Besoin d'aide j'ai recu ca sur mon mail de l'ecole

Voila ce que j’ai recu :
Que faire ?
Hi there!

I am a professional häçker and have successfully managed to häçk your operating system.
Currently I have gained full access to your account.

When I häçked into your mäil_äccount, your pässword was: Magemylove692699

In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months.
The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously. ╭ᑎ╮

Let me explain to you what that entails. Thanks to Trojan viruses, I can gain complete access to your computer or any other device that you own.
It means that I can see absolutely everything in your screen and switch on the camera as well as microphone at any point of time without your permission.
In addition, I can also access and see your confidential information as well as your emails and chat messages.

You may be wondering why your antivirus cannot detect my malicious software.
Let me break it down for you: I am using harmful software that is driver-based,
which refreshes its signatures on 4-hourly basis, hence your antivirus is unable to detect it presence.

I have made a video compilation, which shows on the left side the scenes of you happily masturbating,
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment…ᵔ.ᵔ

All I need is just to share this video to all email addresses and messenger contacts of people you are in communication with on your device or PC.
Furthermore, I can also make public all your emails and chat history.

Ꮖ bҽliҽvҽ yơu wơuld dҽfinitҽly want tơ avơid this frơm happҽning.
Hҽrҽ is what yơu nҽҽd tơ dơ - transfҽr thҽ Bitcơin ҽquivalҽnt ơf 1300 USD tơ my Bitcơin äccơunt
(that is rathҽr a simplҽ prơcҽss, which yơu can chҽck ơut ơnlinҽ in casҽ if yơu dơn’t knơw hơw tơ dơ that).

Bҽlơw is my bitcơin accơunt infơrmatiơn (Bitcơin wällҽt):

Once the required amount is transferred to my account, I will proceed with deleting all those videos and disappear from your life once and for all.
Kindly ensure you complete the abovementioned transfer within 50 hours (2 days +).
I will receive a notification right after you open this email, hence the countdown will start.

Trust me, I am very careful, calculative and never make mistakes.
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will straight away proceed with making your private videos public.

Good luck!

Pas d’inquiétude, premièrement parlez-vous anglais et comprenez vous ce qu’il demande ?
Deuxièmement, si c’est oui pour le premier est-ce que ce qu’il dit dans la première partie du message est vraie (surtout concernant le mot de passe).
Si ce n’est pas le cas, c’est juste du bluff et de l’intimidation et donc rien à craindre ^^

Oui je comprend l’anglais et le MDP était celui utilisé avant , je l’avais changer depuis car en téléchargeant un jeux repack j’avais eu une notif trojan avec l’antivirus et des mail comme quoi mon mdp facebook avait été changer , l’adresse mail lié a mon ecole corrempu etc mais ca date de 1 ans

Je pense que si vous avez pris toutes les précautions nécessaires pour sécuriser vos comptes depuis l’incident, vous ne risquez plus rien de la part de ce personnage. tout ce qu’il raconte doit être de l’intimidation, et rien de plus.